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Server Infrastructure

Server infrastructure refers to the hardware, software and processes that are used to create, manage, and maintain servers. It includes all the components necessary for a server to function, such as the physical server hardware, operating systems, applications, storage devices and networking equipment.


A firewall is a network security device,either hardware or software-based which monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic and based on a defined set of security rules accepts,rejects or drops that specific traffic.

Chip Level

Chip Level electronic drawings and symbolic representations that describe or depict digital or analog electrical or electronic circuits within integrated circuit chips.


closed-circuit television” and is commonly known as a video surveillance technology. “Closed-circuit” means broadcasts are limited (closed) to a selected group of monitors, unlike “regular” TV, which can be received and viewed by whoever sets up a reception device.

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USD / Month

  • Static page
  • 1 to 3 pages
  • Additional Service (Optional)
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Our Pricing

Explore our flexible pricing to find an excellent fit to run your business.

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USD / Month

  • Dynamic Page
  • 5 to 8 pages
  • Email,Query
  • Minimal Update
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Our Pricing

Explore our flexible pricing to find an excellent fit to run your business.

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USD / Month

  • Along with Standard Plan
  • 1 year full maintainance free
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